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Web Design and Brand Essentials with Your Domain Essentials OnDemand Workshop
Welcome to the Web Design, Brand and Domain Essentials OnDemand Workshop
Introduction - Phase 1
Session 1: Mindset Issues and Time Blocking (REPLAY) (34:27)
Mindset and Time Blocking Exercise
Goals & Objectives - Phase 2
Session 2: Types of Websites (REPLAY) (47:27)
Types of Website Form and Swipe File Homework
Branding 101 - Phase 3
Session 3: Design and Brand Essentials (REPLAY) (57:36)
Design and Brand Essentials Exercises and Templates
Branding and Core Essentials - Phase 4
Session 4: Design and Brand Essentials (REPLAY) (50:10)
Domain Essentials
Get Your Domain Name (3:29)
Choose Your Hosting (1:55)
Theme Options (2:49)
Attaching your Domain to Hosting (3:35)
Setup SSL & Enforce HTTPS (2:16)
Setup Cloudflare (2:31)
Create Email Address for Website (2:20)
Install WordPress, Create Admin Account, Log onto Website (1:58)
Add and Activate Theme (4:19)
Attaching your Domain to Hosting
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